
Blog articles

  • Health starts in your gut
    Do a quick search on 'gut flora' in the news and you get headlines like: NRC: Beau Monde Medical Contact Max Medical Dossier Nederlands Dagblad Heart Foundation Wow! It seems increasingly likely that gut flora is linked to various health conditions. Therefore, it seems logical to work towards the healthiest possible gut flora. ... Read more
  • Organic, what makes a product organic?
    Most of the products in ChufaNederland's range are certified organic. What does this mean? Recently, non-organic products have been added to the range that, however, look exactly the same but are cheaper. Hence a blog article on the difference and when a product can be called organic. Most people are familiar with this ... Read more
  • The effect of soluble fibre in chufa
    In the RTL Z doc "Superfoods: What's It Really Like?", it featured chufa and the fibre in chufa. As you may know, chufa is rich in fibre, but does that benefit you when you make it into the milk drink horchata? The answer is yes! The fibre in ... Read more
  • Chufas or tiger nuts and celiac disease
    If you have couliakia, you cannot tolerate gluten as a whole. So is chufa still a suitable product for you?
  • Carbohydrates in chufas
    When you look for the amount of carbohydrates on the packaging of chufas, you may think that chufa is rich in carbohydrates. We are sometimes told that too, what a sugary product chufa is. However, there is a side note: Fibre! If you look at the carbohydrate content ... Read more